Always Learning. I graduated with a degree in Music Industry and then pursued a certificate in Live Entertainment Technology. However, I'm still learning. Being an Entertainment Stage Technician at Disney World has taught me how to apply everything I learned about in school on a larger, more complex scale and in an environment that is so vastly different from that of traditional theater.
Creative. Whether it’s working on a production’s sound design, honing my photography skills, relaxing with my sketchbook, or otherwise, I love anything that will flex my creative muscles.
Passionate. From a young age, my parents have always encouraged a love and appreciation of the performing arts and live entertainment. As a result, working in the live entertainment industry doesn't feel like a chore to me at all. I'm genuinely thrilled and excited to be given these amazing opportunities to challenge my skills and improve on what I've learned at school.
Hands-On. Thanks to the help of my mentors and the amazing programs at both USC and LSC-M, what I learned in the classroom has been immediately translated into hands-on experience. I’ve interned with major companies like Warner Music Group and startups like Bkstg, as well as worked on on-campus theatre productions like The Miss Firecracker Contest and 1984. Now, I get to put my skills and knowledge to the test by making magic behind the scenes for the millions of guests who visit the Magic Kingdom at Disney World.
Maximum Effort. I am all or nothing when it comes to my work. Even if I’m unfamiliar with a subject, I will always make sure to put in 110% of my time and energy into learning what I can so that I know I am always putting forward my best work.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by. Please feel free to explore my portfolio and let me know what you think. Let’s get in touch!